Shareware Grab Bag
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477 lines
2KAT&THD ARC 13312 01-88 2k clusters for your AT&T hard disks 013
720KDISK ARC 6144 11-86 Use 360K disk as 720K on AT w/DOS 3.2 013
A-BACKUP ARC 3072 02-87 Auto BAckup to Floppy on 1st Boot of Day 013
ADISK ARC 770 8-86 013
ALIGN BAS 822 04-84 Disk head alignment program 013
ALINT ARC 21645 7-86 013
ALTER ARC 2293 01-84 Alter status of files 013
ANADISK ARC 54272 12-87 Low and high level floppy analyser 013
ANALYZ ARC 32256 03-86 Slick Disk Space Analyzer from Marin 013
ANALYZE2 ARC 30079 2-87 013
ANYWHERE ARC 11264 10-86 Find Files Across Multiple Drives 013
ARC512 COM 58k 4-87 ARChive Utility Version 5.12. 013
ARCAID ARC 26624 11-87 Archive files from menu 013
ARCHIVE ARC 21504 06-86 FASTBAK-like backup utility - pretty nice 013
ARCHIVE1 ARC 21504 8-87 013
ARCUTIL ARC 25k 4-87 ARChive Utilities: MARC.EXE and XARC.EXE 013
ARC_MGR ARC 84k 8-88 Excellent Collection of ARChive Manager Utili 013
ARC_ST HLP 6912 10-86 013
ATDIAG-1 ARC 13312 09-86 Diagnose AT/XT Hard Disks. Nice Utility 013
AUDIT2 ARC 4096 05-87 Tree listing of hidden and unusuall files 013
AUTO20 ARC 12623 04-85 AUTOMENU 2.0 menu system for hard disks 013
AUTO30 ARC 40110 07-85 AUTOMENU Version 3.0 - Advanced Menus!! 013
AUTO301 ARC 41088 7-85 013
AUTO401 ARC 144885 11-87 013
AUTOHOST ARC 1664 11-87 013
AUTOM301 ARC 40155 07-85 AUTOMENU 3.01 fixes a few bugs in 3.0 013
AUTOMEN4 ARC 142336 07-87 Automenu 4.01 - A super menu program! 013
AUTOMENU ARC 41202 7-87 013
AUTOPARK ARC 7168 1-87 013
BACKSTAT ARC 5120 12-87 Reports BACKup STATus of hard disk. 013
BACKSTAT EXE 13312 04-85 Shows backup status of files on HD 013
BAKCHECK ARC 15360 01-87 Remind to back up hard-disk - w/ C Source 013
BESTMENU ARC 126720 12-86 First serious harddisk menu sys. Great! 013
BESTMENU DOC 6144 12-86 BESTMENU menu system facts and features 013
BKCK ARC 29k 8-88 BacKup ChecK Displays Files with Archive Flag 013
BKUPCALC ARC 7296 10-87 Calculates how many floppies to do backup 013
BOOTDUMP ARC 3072 01-88 Dump boot sectors of any floppy to file 013
C-FORMAT ARC 17536 09-86 FORMAT w/ both floppy drives,1 after othe 013
CACHE ARC 5376 02-86 Memory Cache speeds up hard disk access! 013
CACHE ARC 17705 7-87 013
CACHE WRN 1792 8-85 013
CACHE1 ARC 9590 08-85 Disk cacheing program to speed up disk I/ 013
CACHE2 ARC 1368 1 013
CACHE3 ARC 14336 01-87 Revised PC Mage CACHE Program 013
CACHERVW ARC 17040 11-87 013
CAT ARC 10021 10-83 Directory maintenance utility 013
CATALOG COM 896 09-84 Sorted file catalog 013
CATDSK22 ARC 134912 01-87 CATDISK V 2.2 The BEST Disk Cataloger 013
CCD ARC 640 04-87 Change directory w/o the %$@# backslash \ 013
CDDPLUS ARC 7296 05-87 Change directories more easily (ASM incl. 013
CDF ARC 7168 06-87 Screen menu to select directories 013
CDISK11 ARC 14886 3-87 013
CDISK12 ARC 39703 3-87 013
CDISK3 ARC 131584 12-87 1 Of the greatest disk cat progs incl arc 013
CDISK350 ARC 128384 09-87 Hillier's CATDISK 3.50-input file comment 013
CHAIN ARC 8192 09-86 Find which clusters are used by a file 013
CHAIN ARC 2048 8-87 013
CHAIN220 ARC 4489 3-87 013
CHKDIR ARC 23424 03-87 Like CHKDSK for subdirs w/ C source 013
CLEANDRV BAS 1466 03-84 Disk drive head cleaning program. 013
CLEANUP ARC 30k 7-88 Directory Manager to Find/Remove Empty Direct 013
CLEARDIS ARC 5376 02-86 Hard disk file maint util, Turbo source 013
CLUSTERS ARC 4096 08-87 2k Clusters for 10 Meg Drives & DOS 3.x 013
CMD185 COM 7296 09-83 New powerful 1.1 COMMAND COM 013
CMD185 DQC 7521 09-83 Doc for CMD185 COM 013
COHORT ARC 52224 09-86 Resident printer/disk utility - GREAT !! 013
COLDBOOT ARC 530 05-85 Reboots with memory test, like power on 013
COMSPEC ARC 848 06-84 Reset default drive for COMMAND COM 013
COPDSK2 PQG 6336 6-86 013
COPYALL COM 3584 01-84 Copy protected programs 013
COPYMOVE ARC 41856 03-87 UNIX cp/mv with SET= options & recursive 013
COPYQ ARC 1792 04-87 Selectively copy files with (y/n) 013
CORTES27 ARC 27648 10-86 Core Hard Disk Test version 2.7 013
COVER ARC 2335 02-85 Print directory cover sheet for diskettes 013
COVER COM 1152 05-85 A great label maker for your disk directo 013
COVEROKI COM 1152 06-84*Handy disk insert printer for Oki's 013
CPUCAT30 ARC 188k 8-88 Floppy & Hard Disk Cataloging System, Version 013
CPUID ARC 11380 5-86 013
CV ARC 1029 01-84 Change disk volume names 013
CVTFON19 ARC 71680 12-87 Convert Comm Progs Phone Directories 013
CWEEP214 ARC 25344 09-86 Select files for mass copy or delete 013
D COM 2304 10-85 A simple directory columnar program 013
DBACK ARC 3200 7-87 013
DBACK ARC 2048 02-87 dos FAT backup/restore utility 013
DBLPARK ARC 256 04-87 Multiple harddisk park heads 013
DC4-ONE ARC 96662 11-84 Disk Cataloger ver 4.0 (1 of 2) 013
DC4-TWO ARC 94660 11-84 Disk Catologer (2 of 2) 013
DCPROB TXT 1920 3-87 013
DCS ARC 50944 06-87 Another disk cataloging program 013
DD ARC 3712 10-86 Double dir's, side by side 013
DD2 ARC 2355 1 013
DD20 ARC 15360 05-87 DoubleDirectory ver 2.0 (4/87) nice! 013
DD21 ARC 16384 11-87 Display and compare 2 directories(and mor 013
DDIR ARC 1152 11-85 PC Mag's Double Directory Utility 013
DDIR LBR 9856 10-85 013
DEFRAG ARC 6371 05-84 De-fragmentize diskette file space 013
DELETE ARC 1152 01-84 Variable file deletion utility 013
DESTROY ARC 26240 09-85 Really "erase" a file.Wipes it clean! 013
DF ARC 22k 9-88 Free disk space displayed graphically 013
DFACC ARC 8448 08-87 DOS file accelerator system 013
DGM ARC 3072 10-87 Graphic display of CHKDSK 013
DIAGNOST ARC 41472 09-87 Good hi-tech diagnostics 013
DIR201 ARC 48614 03-84 1000 File Disk Librarian w/srce - Great! 013
DIRCOMP ARC 7680 01-87 PC-MAG - Directory Comparison Utility 013
DIRCTY COM 1280 07-84 Horiz/sorted dir w/sub-dir sizing 013
DIRECTRY BAS 2176 05-84 Creates machine lang. to read DIR 013
DIRENAME COM 1536 12-84 Rename DOS subdirectories 013
DIRNAV ARC 9728 03-87 DIRectoryNAVigator.Nice way to move. 013
DIRSORT1 ARC 2281 01-85 Sorts floppy's directory - permenantly 013
DIRUTIL BAS 1024 10-84 SET up yor dir file as a SYSOP good!!! 013
DISK ARC 8113 02-85 Gives detailed file info-good doc in ARC 013
DISK COM 4480 06-85 Disk directory sorter 013
DISKCAT ARC 102016 04-86 Nice cataloger for floppies 013
DISKCHEC EXE 21120 03-86 Checks rotational speed of floppy drives 013
DISKCHK PAS 26624 09-86 File/Disk performance analyzer program 013
DISKFILE ARC 10419 1 013
DISKFREE ARC 12416 11-85 Tree + actual disk space 013
DISKLBL BAS 2944 04-85 Fancy disk lbl w/ directory for IDS Prism 013
DISKLIB BAS 3188 07-83 Simple disk cataloger DOS 2.0 013
DISKLIB EXE 43776 02-87 List all files in all subdirectories on d 013
DISKORAY EXE 6656 09-84 Tells disk drive speed (shd be 198-202) 013
DISKOVER ARC 41248 12-86 013
DISKP??? COM 6656 08-85 CORE hard disk speed checker for PC/AT 013
DISKPACK ARC 31232 06-86 Like STUFIT, for DOS 3.0 and above 013
DISKPREP ARC 6400 06-87 Add DOS System files to non-DOS disk 013
DISKSCAN ARC 6144 8-87 013
DISKSCAN ARC 2944 06-87 Checks hard disk for bad spots via crc ch 013
DISKSCAN ARC 6k 8-88 Checks Out Hard & Floppy Disks by Reading Sec 013
DISKSCAN COM 1024 04-86 Hard disk utility - April PC Magazine 013
DISKTEST EXE 8448 08-85 Tests speed etc. of floppy drives 013
DISKTOOL ARC 61952 12-87 Edit individual disk sector - V1.0A 013
DISKVR43 ARC 51200 10-86 Best COVER program Bill Brendel has seen! 013
DJ COM 61184 10-84 Very good disk Utility - like NORTON's 013
DLABELC1 ARC 5223 05-85 Diskette Label Program for Color 013
DLABELM ARC 5148 05-85 Diskette Label Program for Mono 013
DM COM 44928 12-85 Good Directory Manager in Turbo. 013
DM21 ARC 55296 03-87 Excellent hard Disk Manager -- ver. 2.1 013
DM24 ARC 84992 07-87 Directory Manager v2.4 - Nice disk utilit 013
DMASTR21 ARC 48896 04-87 Latest rel of Directory Master -- nice! 013
DOG001 ARC 36864 05-86 HD compactor, tested on 30meg & below 013
DOG101 ARC 46592 06-86 Disk Optimizer 1.01a, compresses hd's 013
DOGMAKE ARC 16384 11-87 Use with Dog; aid in making order dog 013
DOSAMATC ARC 71680 09-85 Excellent!! True Multi-tasking +Pop up UT 013
DOSGONE ARC 72894 05-86 Menu System w/security, usage log, & more 013
DOSHELP ARC 42030 7-87 013
DOSPATH CQ 5634 02-84 Exten. Path,File,Switch Parsing-LATT. C 013
DOWN ARC 1752 02-85 Sub-directory utility & doc 013
DP102A ARC 30976 04-86 PD Disk Optimizer!! Works w/ 10M only? 013
DPATH ARC 7936 02-86 Shows PATH on hard disk, w/Doc Ver. 3 013
DPATH30 ARC 7936 10-85 Use PATH for data files, too 013
DPRSET ARC 1920 10-87 Release deleted file space during session 013
DRIVSCAN ARC 2048 02-87 Three neat filename scans for drives A-C 013
DS221 ARC 91136 01-87 Disk Scanner by LCDR Nat Martino ver. 2.2 013
DS230 ARC 109568 03-87 Directory Scanner-very comprehensive 013
DSAVER COM 3584 05-84 Utility to copy most copy protected dsks 013
DSIDCAT ARC 21773 05-85 Catalogs files on your disks in DBASEIII 013
DSIZ ARC 1664 01-87 Tree dir w/directory sizes-best of its ki 013
DSKPRK10 ARC 1536 1-87 013
DSKREAD AQM 1316 11-85 013
DSKRTN ARC 3727 09-83 Multiple function disk file utility 013
DSKWATCH ARC 4463 05-85 DSKWATCH disk error watcher, PC Mag, 6/11 013
DSORT20 ARC 3685 07-85 Permanently sort any directory-even HD! 013
DSPACE ARC 11648 04-87 Display disk utilization, uses graphics 013
DU ARC 10299 7-86 013
DUPDSK15 ARC 29696 12-87 what DISKCOPY should have been 013
DUPDSK20 ARC 29696 01-88 Like DISKCOPY but read once and make many 013
EDIR100 ARC 31232 01-87 Edit/sort/reorganize order of subdirs 013
EDISK ARC 10901 5-86 013
EFFIC ARC 18432 03-87 Display File Allocation efficiency 013
EMCACH ARC 10524 7-87 013
EMCACH ARC 5376 12-86 Excellent hard disk cach program 013
EMMCACHE ARC 5376 09-86 Extended memory disk cacheing 013
ERAQ ARC 17858 03-85 Erase files across subdirectories 013
EXCTABL ARC 4992 12-87 Lists all executable files in directory 013
EZMENU3 ARC 45184 03-87 EZ to setup Menus v3 - better than AutoMe 013
FASTCOPY ARC 25216 07-87 Very good fast multiple 2 drive diskcopy 013
FASTDISK ARC 1024 10-87 Makes disk faster 013
FASTFMT LBR 30720 1-87 013
FASTMENU ARC 93184 10-87 Menu System for DOS 013
FATRESTR ARC 6144 04-87 Restore hard disk after reformating 013
FBACK ARC 2048 10-87 Backup and restore your FAT 013
FDA BAS 3200 01-86 FIND FILES disk util from PCMag 25Feb86 013
FDATE ARC 1920 12-85 013
FDATE ARC 1592 10-84 Change dates of files easily. 013
FDISK2 ARC 30720 10-87 Hard disk l.levl format/partition/ tool. 013
FILECAT2 ARC 66688 09-86 Small verion of FileCat, + PASCAL source 013
FILEMAN COM 11264 05-84 File Manager-no path support but nice 013
FILEMOVE ARC 8960 8-86 013
FILES ARC 40521 11-87 013
FILEUTIL ARC 16896 3-87 013
FILL15 ARC 34816 08-87 Transfer HD files to floppies w/options 013
FINDFILE ARC 867 01-85 Find file program from PC Magazine 013
FINDIT ARC 16896 04-86 Finds Files in Disk -Fast! 013
FINDUP21 ARC 42368 11-85 Ver. 2.1 of Find Duplicate Files Prog. 013
FINDUP30 ARC 59136 01-86 Find duplicate files on system v.3.0 013
FINDUP32 ARC 62323 3-86 013
FINDUP35 ARC 37888 09-86 Finds duplicate files. Version 3.5 013
FINDUP35 ARC 34279 10-86 013
FIX-FAT ARC 29696 11-87 013
FIX-FAT ARC 32128 01-86 Fix FAT table, recover deleted floppy fil 013
FIXFAT ARC 32256 11-86 Recover lost files & repair damaged FAT 013
FIX_DISK ARC 13994 3-87 013
FLASHB ARC 123648 10-87 Hard drive backup/restore utilities 013
FMT ARC 1701 10-84 Use 2 drives for formatting diskettes 013
FORM-360 ARC 42880 12-87 Format 360K diskette on XT or AT 013
FORMAT FIX 2432 07-84 Prevent accidental erasure of hard disk 013
FRAGS ARC 19712 08-87 Identifies Fragmented Disk Files 013
FRE COM 512 11-85 Instantly tell free space ALL drives 013
FREE COM 1024 07-85 Gives filesize without listing DIR 013
FREESPAC EXE 1536 06-84 Display Free space on all drives 013
FRESPCII ARC 15360 01-88 Monitor Available free disk space 013
G-WHIZ ARC 35078 02-85 Copy, Move, Delete, or Print Files 013
GCOPY ARC 8777 05-84 Waite's file copy utility, version 1.02 013
GDEL EXE 7430 02-84 Global file delete selector 013
GREP EXE 13056 03-84 PC Equiv of UNIX Program, incl. C src 013
HARDCONT DOC 1152 07-85 Doc for Test.com (ref PC AT HD Contr.) 013
HARDTEST ARC 3200 12-87 A hard disk test program 013
HD1KCLUS ARC 3072 03-87 Format hard disk with 1K clusters 013
HD273 ARC 75776 01-87 Hard Disk Test Prgrm (HDTEST V2.73) GOOD! 013
HD312 ARC 81920 03-87*HDTEST 3.12 hard disk surface test utilit 013
HDAT ARC 17408 10-87 Hard Drive diagnostic utilities 013 0
HDCACHE ARC 7168 11-87 A hard disk utility. Very good! 013
HDIR13 ARC 10240 03-87 Latest Graphics DIRectory Display 013
HDM2430 ARC 138240 12-86 Hard Disk Menu II Version 4.3 013
HDM440 ARC 155008 09-87 Hard Disk Menu V 4.4 013
HDPACK1 ARC 43008 10-87 Hard Disk File Optimizing Program 013
HDPREP45 ARC 33792 10-87 Hard disk diagnostic/format tool. VG!! 013
HDSPNTST ARC 9216 10-87 Hard disk speed & access tester/timer 013
HDTABLE ARC 13312 10-87 Test Hard disk controller 013
HDTEST ARC 13952 01-86 Harddisk test with options 013
HDTST273 ARC 76800 09-86 Hard Disk Tester v2.73 (for John C.) 013
HDUTIL ARC 24704 10-86 Extended hard disk utilities 013
HEXED ARC 17664 09-87 ASCII/hex disk track editor 013
HIDDIR ARC 3200 10-86 Allows creation of Hidden Sub-Dirs 013
HOTDIR2 ARC 6144 03-87 Multi-color Directory utility 013
HUNT COM 1280 10-84 Locate Disk Files 013
HUNTA300 ARC 3968 1-87 013
HUSH ARC 1024 09-87 DOS 3.X fix for floppy drive timing 013
IBU ARC 34753 11-84 Incremental Backup Utility for HD backups 013
INDEXER BAS 9959 11-83 Disk indexer in BASIC 013
INSURE ARC 43392 2-88 013
INSURE ARC 114778 01-86 Insure regular backup of hard disk files 013
INTERLEV ARC 14464 10-87 Measure HD interleave factor 013
INTLEAVE ARC 14407 5-87 013
INTLEAVE ARC 14464 07-87 Disk utilities/check interleave harddisk 013
INTRCPTX ARC 5760 09-87 Permits 1.2 meg to read/write 720k disks 013
INTRLV ARC 14395 7-87 013
IOLITE COM 1024 11-86 Red light in U/R when hard disk active 013
JAZ ARC 5120 09-86 Another Zap program - alter files/disks 013
LAR EXE 26752 02-84 Fast Prog. Library like LUPC-unfriendly 013
LAR261 ARC 29829 2-86 013
LBN ARC 15851 01-84 C listing and profiling utility 013
LDIR22 ARC 2604 10-85 013
LDIR29 ARC 18191 6-86 013
LDIR30 ARC 18432 09-86 List sorted all files/all subdirs (doc & 013
LF341 ARC 12544 09-86 Directory lister for Humans. 013
LIBBER ARC 1660 1 013
LIGHT ARC 8192 11-87 Speeds up your drives 013
LISTB123 ARC 6144 04-87 Lists bad clusters on HD,v1.23,011287,w/A 013
LISTB124 ARC 3366 2-87 013
LOCATE ARC 1792 06-87 Locates string in any file on disk 013
LOCATE EXE 17024 03-86 Locate files across all disk drives 013
LU ARC 15958 04-84 Library utility like LUPC BAS - BEST! 013
LU2 EXE 24320 11-84 Library utility v.2.0 013
LUPC BQS 16405 01-84 Utility to combine files into library 013
LUT ARC 1593 05-84 List dir of LU/LAR type LBR bfiles 013
MAGIC COM 9856 06-85 Addresses disk sectors 013
MARK ARC 5632 09-86 Mark bad clusters easily 013
MARK231 ARC 9216 04-87 Un/Mark bad disk cluster,v2.31,011287,w/A 013
MARK231 ARC 4366 1-87 013
MARK231 ARC 9216 04-87 Un/Mark bad disk cluster,v2.31,011287,w/A 013
MASSMV22 ARC 18738 03-87 MassMove 2.2-Move files between subdirs 013
MDIR ARC 37888 06-86 Memory resident directory list utility 013
MENUS ARC 37376 05-87 Create Menus to run your programs 013
MINIPRT ARC 2k 8-88 Hardcopy Directory To Put Into Diskette Envel 013
MOVE ARC 2908 06-84 Utils for moving files between subdirs 013
MOVE1 ARC 3072 8-87 013
MOVE11 COM 2432 03-86 A File Move Utility for MS-DOS 013
MOVE13 ARC 22912 04-86 MOVE COM Ver 1.3 w/source + Enhancements 013
MOVEFILE ARC 2865 02-85 Moves a file from one subdir to another 013
MSTRKY17 ARC 127616 04-87*Norton-like utility ver. 1.7 - very good! 013
MULTDKIX ARC 5177 06-84 Multiple Disk Indexer 013
MV21 ARC 11008 12-86 File mover - across directory/drive ok 013
NARC11 EXE 51200 07-87 Menu pgm to view, extract ARC files 013
NARC12 ARC 48128 2-88 013
NEWPARK ARC 5120 04-87 Verified harddisk head parker any hdisk 013
NMOVE586 ARC 14080 03-87 Move utility--Very Good 013
NOHARD ARC 1536 01-87 Prevents access to a hard disk 013
NORMAL COM 128 08-83 Reset files hidden by READONLY COM 013
NT EXE 10752 11-86 BestDirectory Tree program around! 013
NULL ARC 4992 12-87 Rid Y'sef of 0K files on entire disk w' Y 013
OPTIMIZE ARC 4608 03-86 Reorganize HD Files for Faster Process 013
ORDER! EXE 38656 11-84 Demo of nice, reasonable ($30) disk cat.r 013
OV ARC 49172 3-87 013
OV102 ARC 162176 03-87 Outstanding File Manager with Source Code 013
OVER203 ARC 8192 02-87 Switch to sub- sub- sub-directories fast 013
OWNER ARC 9344 09-86 Find what file owns a particular cluster 013
OWNER151 ARC 12288 03-87 Identify file owning cluster v1.51, 1/14/ 013
OWNER152 ARC 12288 04-87 Find file owning cluster,v1.52,031387/ASM 013
OWNER161 ARC 13312 07-87 Find file owning cluster 013
PARK238 COM 256 7-87 013
PARKAL ARC 1988 11-85 Hard disk head parking utility 013
PATCH ARC 3864 09-84 Disk and file patcher - good 013
PC-DISK ARC 74706 03-85 Forbin Disk cataloger w/ add'l prgms & sr 013
PC-KWIK ARC 14336 08-87 PC-Kwik Disk Cacheing for DOS 2.0-3.3 013
PC-LOCK ARC 20096 05-86 Complete Hard Disk Security System 013
PC-MENU ARC 72832 05-86 DOS level menu system - very easy to use 013
PCDISK ARC 29952 09-85 Records disk contents 013
PCLOK11 ARC 23424 10-87 PC-Lock: Hard disk protection system v1. 013
PCLOK11A ARC 27008 10-86 Password Protect your Hard Disk 013
PCLOK11F ARC 25449 4-87 013
PCOPY ARC 64768 7-87 013
PCOPY1 ARC 66560 6-88 013
PCOPY4 ARC 54272 10-86 Copy Utility (Untest!!) 013
PCOPY5 ARC 56448 10-86 Copy anything anywhere w/DOS shell 013
PCOPY51 ARC 58368 11-86 Artiquin's COPY util v.5.1-GREAT for HD 013
PCPARK ARC 3072 11-86 Generic Head Park Pgm--Includes AT Disks 013
PDAILY ARC 12032 03-87 Patriquin's Daily Command Scheduler 013
PDEL12 ARC 29696 01-87 Partiquin's new Delete util v1.22 (1/7) 013
PDEL2 ARC 35137 4-87 013
PDTIMPRK ARC 9472 09-87 PD timed HD head park w/ASM source 013
PFM222 ARC 68608 10-86 Personal File Mgmt-visual directory mgmt 013
PFM225 ARC 60372 02-87 Pers.File Mgmt 2.25: Nice dsk maint. tool 013
PFMKEY ARC 184640 5-88 013
PKFIND11 EXE 20471 06-87 PKFIND v1.1 Find files, even in ARChives! 013
POPSCL3 ARC 61440 11-85 Memory Res. file manager Nice! 013
PRODIAGS ARC 49152 07-87 Advanced diagnostics for your PC 013
PRUNE ARC 5120 12-87 Prune unwanted subdirs and their files 013
PSEARCH ARC 70656 09-86 Find/search utility. Very versatile. 013
PSEARCH3 ARC 6600 1 013
PUSHPOPD ARC 1792 06-87 Popup directory changer 013
QDR ARC 4096 10-86 Buerg's quick re-formatter 013
QDR23 ARC 5120 11-86 013
QDR26 ARC 5120 11-86 Vern Buerg's Diskette Reformatter-update 013
QDR28 ARC 5504 02-87 Quick Diskette Reformatter, ver 2.8 013
QDR29 ARC 6144 07-87 Buerg's Disk Reformatter (2.9) 3/20/87 013
QDR29 ARC 5558 3-87 013
QDR32B ARC 7168 10-87 Quick Diskette Reformatter v3.2b 013
QDSPRNT TQT 4864 10-85 013
QDUPS1-0 ARC 36864 03-87 Superb HD duplicate file lister/manager 013
QERASE COM 768 08-83 Variable delete command 013
QFILER21 ARC 66048 09-86 Excellent file utility view 2 directories 013
QFILER22 ARC 68800 10-86 013
QMOVE14 ARC 24576 03-86 Move files across drives/subdirs/best! 013
QMOVE14 ARC 24576 5-86 013
QMOVE15 ARC 26752 10-86 Full scrn file mover across subdr/drives 013
RAMA ARC 3072 03-87 Ram disk with size changable from DOS 013
RBCNFG ARC 11904 05-87 Reboot to new CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC BAT 013
RECOV ARC 4972 10-84 Recover disk sectors 013
RECOVER ARC 5002 04-85 Recover erased disk files 013
RECVER COM 7680 12-84 Recover damaged files on disk 013
RED ARC 1920 06-87 Changes file subdir in directory=move+era 013
RED COM 1152 01-85 Move files between subdirectories 013
REFMT104 ARC 6144 07-87 Quickly 'reformat' disks for reuse v1.04 013
REFRESH ARC 2k 8-88 REFRESH Does the Same Thing as FORMAT and Mor 013
REMOVE ARC 18816 03-87 Recursive file removal (deletion) utility 013
RENDIR COM 256 10-84 Rename Directories, omit first \ 013
RESDIR PAS 48128 09-86 TSR directory listing program 013
RNDR ARC 7457 11-87 013
RO COM 512 09-84 Marks files as "Read Only" 013
RW COM 512 09-84 Marks files as "Read/Write" 013
RX50 ARC 23k 4-87 DEC RX-50 Diskette Driver for the IBM PC-AT. 013
SCAVENG2 COM 8882 07-85 MAPS Bad Disk Sectors 013
SCAVENGE ARC 1973 08-85 Mark hard disk bad sectors for DOS 013
SCR ARC 26591 06-85 Another menu(screen) system. 013
SD-LR ARC 6588 03-85 Another sorted directory utility 013
SD2-X ARC 4540 11-84 Sorted directory for DOS 1.x and 2.x 013
SD3 ARC 31744 06-87 CD without stating path, new features. 013
SD53 ARC 21120 01-87 Sorted directory with many features 013
SD54 ARC 32768 03-87 Sorted DIR v5.4,mono/CGA/EGA,2/87/J.Stets 013
SD6 ARC 6327 4-86 013
SD6 COM 7936 03-86 Latest version of a super-dir prog! 013
SDIR COM 1536 08-83 Sorted directory - nice! 013
SDIR TXT 1920 01-84 Discussion of disk space discrepancy 013
SDIR1 ARC 5543 02-85 ver 1 LANS user group sorted directory 013
SDIR24 ARC 2420 07-83 SDIR 2.4 for DOS 2.0 013
SDIR26 COM 3584 05-84 Sorted Directory ver 2.6 013
SDIR411 ARC 7093 11-84 SDIR w/ fast scr. & file comment option 013
SDIR50 ARC 9320 03-85 NICE Sorted directory w/ file maintenance 013
SDIRX ARC 7168 09-86 Sorted directory with pgup/pgdn 013
SDISK-21 ARC 1923 04-85 Permanently resort floppy directory 013
SDISK21 COM 4480 6-85 013
SDL30 ARC 3355 10-84*Sorted directory listing ver. 3.0 013
SEAGATE ARC 1758 4-87 013
SECRPASS ARC 25780 02-85 Good password prg; SECURE COM, PASSWORD.C 013
SFIND ARC 6144 03-87 Super file finder - even looks inside ARC 013
SHARC6 ARC 24747 6-88 013
SHARC851 ARC 34k 8-88 SHell for ARC's Ver 8.51. Requires PKXARC & 013
SHARC860 ARC 46k 8-88 SHell for ARC's Ver 8.60. Requires PKXARC & 013
SHOWPARK ARC 9856 09-87 Timed park, shows status onscreen. 013
SINCE ARC 9216 01-87 Dir of all files SINCE given date - good 013
SIZE ARC 11648 01-87 Determine space required for file on disk 013 0
SNATCH3 ARC 14k 8-88 Latest SNATCHIT utility for copyiipc 5/88 013
SNATCH50 ARC 14k 8-88 Snatchit ver 5.0 - create disk image for copy 013
SORTALL3 ARC 5106 2-87 Physically sort disk directories 013
SPACE102 ARC 2234 2-87 013
SPACE102 ARC 3072 02-87 Shows wasted disk space 013
SPEED EXE 26496 01-86 Disk drive speed tester 013
SPEED105 ARC 2846 1 013
SPEEDUP ARC 476 01-84 Speed up disk drive operation 013
SRED ARC 8064 04-86 MOVE with y/n option 013
SRS ARC 76544 12-86 Still River Shell (graphic tree display) 013
SRS133 ARC 70660 5-87 013
SST-V201 ARC 44032 11-86*Seek-Stopper 2.01, disk optimizer 013
SST20 ARC 43008 09-86 Seek Stopper v2.0! Fast disk optimizer! 013
ST225 ARC 11264 09-87 Doc's on tuning up your SEAGATE ST225 Dri 013
ST225 ARC 112647-87 013
STRM310B ARC 38912 02-87 Storage Master - hard disk file managemen 013
SUMMARY ARC 5376 09-86 Display disk spec's & bytes free 013
SUPERDIR ARC 3039 7-86 013
SUPRTREE ARC 11008 06-86 Version of DOS TREE in Turbo Pascal 013
SWEEP ARC 3072 10-85 PC Mag SWEEP utility 10/12/85 013
SWEEP1 ARC 21542 11-86 Disk management utility like UNIX SWEEP 013
SYSLOCK ARC 20608 07-87 Password protection system for hard disks 013
SYSPLUS ARC 57984 10-87 System Plus menu generator v1.5 013
TANDON SHH 896 06-84 Silence those noisy Tandon drives! 013
TD13 ARC 11459 10-84 TREEDIR 1 3 WITH SUMMARY 013
TD3 ARC 27376 5-86 013
TEST COM 19840 07-85 IBM AT HD Controller (finds Bad TI chip) 013
TESTDRV BAS 1430 01-84 Disk drive test routine 013
TIMEPARK ARC 3840 06-86 Parks hard disk head after N seconds 013
TIMEPARK COM 384 12-86 Auto park hard disk - memory resident 013
TPARK ARC 3712 04-86 Timed Head Park for hard disks 013
TPARK1 ARC 3712 5-86 013
TPARKNOT ARC 6432 7-87 013
TRAPDISK ARC 6144 09-87 Improved BOMBSQAD TSR Trojan watchdog 013
TREESURG ARC 18432 09-87 Find file dupes with compare&del. options 013
UNDO-128 ARC 4119 07-84 Convert BACKUP files to normal 013
UNERA11 ARC 6144 09-86 Backup and Restore FAT/Boot Sector of HD 013
UNERA12 ARC 7168 03-87 Unerase utility for 30+ hard disks 013
UNIXLS ARC 14336 01-87 Utility to list files by date/attrib/etc. 013
UPDATE50 ARC 88064 11-86 Update Ver 5.0 Hard Disk Backup Utility 013
UPDATE51 ARC 90624 11-86 Backup New/Changed[/Old] Files 013
UPDATE53 ARC 93696 12-86 Backup New/Changed/Old files 013
UTIL EXE 45184 02-85 Disk utility package req. ansi.sys 013
UTIL20 ARC 89480 09-84*Ver 2.0 of UTIL-the best system manager 013
VERBACK ARC 18432 01-87 Verifies that files have been BACKUP'd 013
VFAT ARC 10240 11-86 See the structure of your disk/files 013
VFILER ARC 12107 10-85 Resident file/dir manager - very good. 013
VIEWDISK ARC 15031 1-87 013
VOLNAME ARC 1175 09-85 Create or change disk volume label 013
VOLSER ARC 2129 07-83 COM file for naming volume labels 013
VTREE ARC 1792 10-85 VisualTREE display of tree struct. dir. 013
VTREE2 ARC 20480 02-87 VisualTree v.2 013
WAITEX ARC 2688 08-87 Add WAIT TIL 013
WASH ARC 10688 11-83 Utility for purging disk files 013
WASH1W COM 3584 05-84 Disk utility program. This should work! 013
WDIR ARC 21276 1-87 013
WDIR21 ARC 20480 01-87 Well done Windowed DIRectory display. 013
WFU ARC 61184 09-87 Wagner's Shareware HDisk File Mgr. A+. 013
WHERE COM 1024 06-84 See WHERE DOC 013
WHERE DOC 640 06-84 Documenetation for WHERE COM 013
WHEREIR ARC 1517 10-84 New WHEREIS: stops after each screen full 013
WHEREIS ARC 6889 09-84 Search all subdirs for file (w/ASM src) 013
WHEREIS3 ARC 1920 12-85 Newer WHEREIS, option after first find 013
WHPD ARC 512 03-87 Protect your hard drive 013
WINDODOS ARC 40773 10-85 Demo of memory resident HD utility 013
WPHD ARC 2304 05-86 Protects HD against formatting 013
WSSI300 ARC 88170 11-86 013
WSSI310 ARC 136192 01-87 WSSINDEX 3.1 Diskette cataloging prgrm 013
WT101 ARC 11264 03-87 WalkTree-Execute DOS cmds/prgm across sbd 013
XCOPY ARC 7113 12-84 Another DISKCOPY program ... faster? 013
XD100 ARC 7168 01-87 eXtended/eXchange Directory v1.0,010287 013
XDIR ARC 1792 03-87 From PC Mag, Pop Up Directory Utility 013
XDIR COM 17408 03-87 Another sorted disk directory program 013
XDIR33 ARC 43688 11-83 Diskette librarian ver. 3.3 013
XDIR54 ARC 66392 12-84*Latest XDIR disk librarian (ver. 5.4) 013
XDIR56 ARC 58128 10-85 Great Files Manager v5.6 (Latest) 013
XMOVE ARC 4608 10-87 Move files on hard disk 013
XPNDIR COM 66688 06-86 Add desc to files - useful - not perfect 013
XTMENU ARC 8754 03-85 Hard disk menu system 013
Z EXE 9728 05-84 Move thru Sub-Directories easier! 013
ZAPDIR ARC 4224 11-86 Delete unwanted directories 013
ZIP82C ARC 62336 02-86 Integrated file handler plus more 013
ZSDPC ARC 6144 09-86 SDIR utility : Does ARCs and LBRs, too 013